How I Try To Celebrate Earth Day Everyday
h a p p y e a r t h d a y !
Lately something that has been giving me a lot of grace and encouragement is this idea:
In order to protect our Earth, we don’t need everyone to be doing a perfect job, but we do need everyone to try their best and help what they can.
As spring finally settles in up here, I feel even closer to the magic of Mother Nature. How life can break through ice and mud never ceases to amaze me and I feel an innate responsibility to protect that magic. I want to practice a stewardship of the land and water that I love so that the generations that follow us can love her as we have.
I thought I would share with you some small ways I use my business for good to protect our Earth as well as my favorite ways to show her compassion in my day-to-day life! I’m not perfect at practicing these everyday, but I do what I can and I try my best to improve our practices when we can. I hope you learn something new!
i n b u s i n e s s
THOUGHTFUL PACKAGING: I try my best to package all my paintings and products in recyclable or compostable materials. If I have received a personal package with bubble wrap or plastic in it, I may repurpose it for art business packaging.
PAINTING WITH PURPOSE: I give back 5% of my proceeds each quarter to FLOW For Love of Water, an organization based in Northern Michigan working hard to protect our Great Lakes. I started working with FLOW in 2013 and deeply admire and respect their founder Liz Kirkwood.
INTEGRATE AWARENESS: Stories of Mother Nature weave very naturally into my work because of how much she inspires me. Like this email, I share that with you when I can!
i n l i f e
COMPOSTING: Not only do we compost, but we have done our research on what is allowed to be composted! Egg shells, coffee grounds, avocado pits, and certain paper products! This guy sits on our counter.
REUSE: We really try to get creative and reuse when and where we can. From water bottles, to reusable silicone bags, to metal straws.
WALK, BIKE, CARPOOL: This isn’t entirely intentional, but because of our personal circumstances Dave and I share one car. On cold days we will carpool to work, and on warm days one of us will bike or walk! Depending on where you live this may not be a realistic option, but if you’re lucky enough to live walking or biking distance to work, it’s a great way to start and end your day!
SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS BUSINESSES: One of my favorite ways to lower my own carbon footprint has been a personal shift to intentionally support brands and businesses that share this passion of mine. Specifically for clothing companies since the global impact of fast fashion is astonishing!
m y f a v o r i t e s:
Christy Dawn: My favorite dress maker. They repurpose dead stock fabric trying to minimize the environmental impact of fast fashion. One Christy dawn dress is better than 10 $30 dresses. Receive $30 off your first order here!
Nisolo Shoes: Nisolo is committed to working under a circular fashion model – a system that reuses and recirculates products and materials. When you donate your shoes to Nisolo you receive a $30 credit to their store!
Everlane: Everlane is on a mission to completely remove plastic from their business and have even repurposed plastic bottles into clothing! They recently collaborated with the New York Times to break down Climate Change for us.